What we do
On this website, people subjected to abuse, their relatives and specialists find information about sexual abuse, with the main demographic on men/boys. Here you can read stories and ask questions anonymously.
We have accomplished presenters who visit schools, seminars and workshops. By using personal stories and experiences, we give advice to other affected and specialists in different contexts.
We are guides, helping the abused and their relatives on the way to a better life. Our thought is that no one knows the terrain better than those who have been there.
We wish to use our own experiences to highlight that sexual abuse against men/boys is a problem that needs to be brought forth. We need to raise our voices and speak out.
A life saving website
The development and maintenance of this website is our most important activity. It’s still a taboo and shameful to tell someone that you’ve been subjected to sexual abuse and we believe it’s even more difficult for men. Countless men have received help to tell about their experiences, by reading about others experiences on this website. Knowing that they’re not struggling alone, knowing others with similar experiences have gotten a better life, has been a reason for them to put up a fight against the ghosts of the past. Some of them today are actively involved with Utsattmann.
Information to specialists
Through lectures, specialists seminars and workshops we express ourselves to professionals in the health sector, school and Nav about how we’ve been received in the various fields. Also about what we think could’ve been better. Our goal is to improve these activities and be arranged throughout the country, so we can share this knowledge with as many as possible.
Preventive action
Information campaigns are a priority for Utsattmann. We visit schools and other locations where we can share stories and our experiences with children and youths. Sexual abuse needs to be talked about. If we can encourage boys and girls to tell someone that they have been or are still being abused, we will feel rewarded. This could be crucial for them to live a better life and stop the abuser.
Utsattmann is a private, nonprofit organization. The board is led by a CEO who is responsible for daily operations. The events are arranged across the country, but the main office is in Søgne. Utsattmann is financed by public funds, membership dues and fees from missions, such as lectures and participation in various events.
To ensure the organization, we are happy to accept new memberships and donations. Account number: 090.14.79468 Organization number: 914596874
Story of Utsattmann
In 2009, 20 boys and men subjected to sexual abuse participated in “Gradert Info”. The goal of the project was giving advice to the authorities so more people can find the courage to tell someone they’ve been subjected to sexual abuse and what kind of help would be the most effective. One of their most important advices was to develop a website, because far too few men are seeking help from the supporting agencies. This should be a national website, with a low threshold. A website which could act as a tool for the public agencies to refer their clients to, and a place for professionals to gather knowledge and better their understanding for boys and men subjected to sexual abuse.

Men subjected to sexual abuse were the main actors in the development, most of them being active contributors. The project was started and lead by Forandringsfabrikken, in collaboration with Senter for seksuelt misbrukte men and Kirkenes Ressurssenter. In addition the project group consisted of representatives from Reform, the board of Nok and BUFdir. Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet funded further development of utsattmann.no in 2015 and 2016.
Further things to happen
Gradert Info as a magazine Another result of «Gradert Info» was a booklet, which was distributed to support centers, general practitioners, psychologists and other relevant individuals. This booklet contains stories and advice from the very first members of the group. Positive feedback resulted in Utsatmann wants to reprint this booklet in a new edition during 2016.
“Gradert Info” is a completed project, which was the initiative to establish this website.
Do you wish to contribute?
The board of Utsattmann wishes to hear from other men who has experienced sexual abuse, who wants to share their stories or experiences. Your identity will be kept anonymous if you wish.
If you’re curious, feel free to send us an e-mail at post@utsattmann.no. Please add a phonenumber so we can call you for a chat.
Board of Directors
Jarle Holseter
Svein Schøgren
Raymond Lønberg
Odd Sverre Pedersen
Morten Sandmo
Lars Skjærvik