
Psychologists / therapists

Psychologists / therapists
DPS can provide different treatment by psychologists and therapists, whichever is needed. (Individual outpatient treatment, group therapy, limited based and others) In the public sector referral is needed from a doctor to go to a psychologist / therapists. You’ll pay until the deductible at KR 2185. Beyond this refundable expenses of the Social Security Office (remember to keep receipts).
There can be up to three months waiting before you are eligible for treatment.

In need of emergency help, you can check at the ER’s where you live about offers from outpatient emergency team / acute psychiatric service. The casualty clinics may refer to emergency treatment. You can contact private psychologist without an appointment. But they have their own prices and can be expensive. Private ptactice psychologists with deals are subsidized and thus more affordable.

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