Bikers were flocking in from all across the region, when Safety MC invited bikers to raise awareness about violence and sexual abuse against children, Saturday 21th July 2015. As a fresh MC-owner it was fantastic to experience tough guys with tattoos all over them, and Harley Davidsons bikes as big as cars, came roaring into the NAF facility by Geiteryggen airport in Skien. Of course I’ve been experienced bikers in flock earlier, but the fact they came from around to show their support to the weakest in the community, touched my heart.
A lot of clubs were represented at the commemoration. Compradres, Agder Wings, Asker MC klubb, Kokkejævler, Kverken, Militære veteraners MC-klubb and many thers. Their answer to why they decided to show up at the event, they said as one, that they came to support Safety MC in their battle against abuse. The effort and initiative taken by the married couple Carl Fredrik and Rachel Johansen made a deep impression.
SIMSO Telemark stood with Safety Mc for the event. Leader Inger Lise Stølsvik, held a flaming appeal, where she called that a lot of people experience sexual abuse during their lifetime. Abuse happens more often that people think, and it’s a silent phenomenon. The majority doesn’t dare to talk about is, and must carry the shame and guilt in solitude. That’s why it’s important that someone can highlight this topic, who can tell children and adults that there’s hope, and there’s people they can tell the truth to.
Three from, got to participate at this commemoration, Jarle Holseter, Billy Castillo and Svein Schøgren. We’ve had our childhood ruined by molesters, but spend much of our time today with preventive word, and to offer support to those who struggle with the same causes. It was therefore an honour being able to support this event.
As I stood on a high vantage point for taking pictures of the motorcad, a mighty roar was sounding between the mountains of Telemark that afternoon. But no, it wasn’t heaven’s angels, but angels on motorbikes, who drove 12 miles from village to village in this beautiful landscape. Their message was sent out in a way nobody could avoid hearing.
Leave the children in peace, don’t keep silent about that the smallest among us are being molested. When they passed beneath me, like a snake I shivered, and shed a tear of joy. This was a day of hoep, and it’s not the last time bikers driving a motorcade for children’s rights in Telemark. I’m already looking forward to next year.
Svein Schøgren