Who is Utsattmann?

Utsattmann is an organization fighting against sexual abuse towards children. We’re a network of men who have been victims to sexual abuse. We wish with our experience to help other men and young people who are experiencing the same.

Although life seems to have broken, we convey the message that it is possible to build yourself up
and have a good life.

Do you wish to support our work?
Vipps nr : 86670
Account number: 3090 147 9468
VAT registration number : 914 596 874


From Facebook

5 days ago

Utsattmann har i ettermiddag/kveld vært på besøk hos overgangsboligen i Kristiansand, hvor innsatte som er på vei ut i samfunnet igjen, soner siste del av straffen.Vi ble møtt av 14 innsatte og 2 ansatte som serverte oss kake og kaffi. Tusen takk for en varm velkomst og takk for et veldig fint dialog møte, hvor ordet var fritt.På denne viktige dagen ( Verdens dagen for psykisk helse ) så delte noen av de innsatte drømmer og planer for fremtiden og vi kunne formidle at Utsattmann er endel av ettervernet i samarbeid med flere viktige aktører i Agder. #Allefortjenerennysjanse#kriminalomsorgen#utsattinnsatt ... See MoreSee Less
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6 days ago

#gi8minutter ❤️ ... See MoreSee Less
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Utsattmann is proud to finally be able to publish a new and longer movie version of the MC campaign – south-north

Norwegian audio with English subtitles :


Usett Mann. A short film by Ida Wilstrup

Norwegian with English subtitles : 19 min.


NRK documentary 2016

Mann. Utsatt.

Hver 12 gutt blir seksuelt misbrukt i Norge. Mørketallene er trolig store. Menn som ble misbrukt seksuelt som barn og en dømt overgriper kaster lys over tabuer få tør å snakke om.



Places to seek help

Support centers

The support centers are the low-threshold services that welcome everyone. No professional referral is needed to get in contact with them. In these support centers you can meet supervisors who are familiar with the subject and will give you advice on how to proceed further.

General practitioner

Your family doctor is a good place to start a conversation and be referred to a psychologist, if necessary. It is important that you tell your doctor about what you’re struggling with.


Report assaults to the police. They will decide whether the case
should be investigated or if it is obsolete. If you’re a victim to rape,
report to the police and they will help you to an abuse center. You can
also tip the police by phone if you’re concerned about abuse.


DPS offers treatment by psychologists and therapists, depending on your need. You will need a doctors referral to get help from the public